Bespoke Courses

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Family First Aid

The Family First Aid course is designed specifically for members of the general public who want to be able to respond with confidence to baby, child and adult first aid situations in their everyday life, rather than as a requirement of their job.

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First Aid for Babies and Children Paediatric First Aid

First Aid for Babies and Children

This First Aid for Babies and Children course is designed specifically for members of the general public who want to be able to respond with confidence to children first aid situations in their everyday life, rather than as a requirement of their job. It would suit (expectant) parents, grandparents, other family members, and anyone who is often around babies and children.

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Community First Aid

The Community First Aid course gives you basic first aid training to help you deal with a first aid emergency in your local community. This course is ideal for community groups, youth groups, families or individuals.

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